Lagna chart or Janam Kundali is an astrological chart that shows the position of planets, the Sun, the Moon and the other planets at the time of an individual’s birth. This chart is based on the Ascendant position or Lagna. Thus, the first house is the house of Ascendant and all the other planets are placed according to the position of Lagna. Lagna or Ascendant is the zodiac sign that rises in the eastern horizon at the birth of the native. Ascendant is usually never the same as each zodiac sign rises in the east for only two hours. .....#astrology #vedicastrology #vedicastrologer #vedicastrology🌞🌙🌎☀️🙌 #ancientindia #hinduism #astrologer #relationships #marriage #jothishi #jyotish #jyotishshastra #jyotishastrology #saturntransit #zodiacsigns #navamshachart #lagnachart


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