Showing posts from December, 2020
What is Hinduism? Core Concepts of Hinduism ! Sanatan Dharma ! www.jothishi.com
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https://youtu.be/ot2FzNMMgAQ Greetings from http://www.jothishi.com. With 16% of worlds population and third largest religion. Hinduism is a way of life. Many of the topics we have covered seperately. Here we are summarizing the core concepts including: 1) Concept of Brahman 2) Concept of Jeevatma and Paramatma. 3) Cycle of Births 4) Do good reap good - Karma ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptae7WZyEjs) 5) Leading to the path of Moksha ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGlEGPyHAiU) 6) Follow 4 paths in life 7) Establish good dharma ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9wUrHor5k) 8) Trimurties and sound ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-LGbmojW7M) 9) Cyclical, symmetrical nature 10) Vedas and upanishads/ Gita/ Bhagavatam #hindu #hinduism #jothishi #sanatanadharma #hinduisawayoflife #whatishinduism #whyhinduism #everyhindushouldknow #hindus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot2FzNMMgAQ&feature=youtu.be
Why did Lord Ganesha curse the Moon | Indian Vedic Stories for Children | www.jothishi.com
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Paush Month Significance and The Main festivals - Jothishi
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Madurai Meenakshi Amman Temple | Ancient Hindu Architecture| Temples of India | www.jothishi.com
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZnFxsC586Q https://jothishi.com/meenakshi-temple-an-architectural-marvel-in-madurai/ The Meenakshi Temple is certainly one of the most beautiful Indian temples. This exquisite temple, dedicated to goddess Meenakshi, is in Tamil Nadu. Meenakshi Temple attracts thousands of pilgrims each day, and it is also one of the major architectural treasures of India. This temple’s primary deities are Meenakshi and Sundareswarar, forms of Parvati and Shiva. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZnFxsC586Q
Brihaspati or Jupiter - His Birth And Vrath Kathas (Stories as prayer) - Jothishi
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How do I be Positive - Eliminate Negativity - Kriya, Anubhava, Samskara, Vasanas, Icha and Trishna.
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Presenting a Video on how to be positive and eliminate Negativity in lives. Hope it is useful. We have series of videos on Sanatana Dharma every Wednesday in the jothishi channel. http://www.youtube.com/c/jothishi Stages of thoughts - Kriya, Anubhava, Samskara, Vasanas, Icha and Trishna Mind - Manas, Ahamkara, Budhi, Chitta, Atman Body - Ashtachakra and Navadwara. Samskara - Vritta - Vasana 4 paths - Bhakti Yoga, Gnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kriya Yoga. https://www.jothishi.com #howdoibePositive #eliminatenegativity #positivity #kriya #Anubhava #vasana #trishna #icha #jothishi #sanatanadharma #hinduism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CB6KxCJIF4&feature=youtu.be
Satabhisha Nakshatra is also known as “100 physicians” healing powers
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Mannarasala Sree Nagaraja Temple | Haripad, Kerala |Hindu Temple with La...
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The Great Conjunction of Dec 2020 - Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - www.jothishi.com
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https://youtu.be/USvWISsMTvM Presenting a Video on The great conjunction is a conjunction of the planets Jupiter and Saturn, when the two planets appear closest together in the sky and happens approximately every 20 years. This conjunction can bring some changes in the microcosm and macrocosm for the next decade of so.. https://jothishi.com/?s=saturn https://jothishi.com/?s=jupiter #greatconjunction #saturnjupiterconjunction #dec2020saturnjupiterconjunction #saturnjupiterplanetorywar #vedicastrology #astrology #horoscope #jothishi #www.jothishi.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USvWISsMTvM&feature=youtu.be
Importance of Swan in Hinduism | Hamsa the Vahana of Lord brahma | www.jothishi.com
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From Shani Mahatmya - The Mythology Behind Surya The Sun - Jothishi
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चार धाम यात्रा | Important Temples of India | Badrinath, Rameshwaram, Puri-Jagannath, Dwarka
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5 Pointers for Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra - 12th Nakshatra According to H...
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Why did Ravana try to destroy Mount Kailash | Short stories for Kids | www.jothishi.com
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Story of Shirdi Sai Baba | The Wise Indian Saint | www.jothishi.com
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Marriage date prediction, one of the biggest research and scientific validations in Vedic Astrology by Jothishi.com | Business Standard News
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Read more about Marriage date prediction, one of the biggest research and scientific validations in Vedic Astrology by Jothishi.com on Business Standard. www.jothishi.com/when-will-i-get-married/ https://www.business-standard.com/content/press-releases-ani/marriage-date-prediction-one-of-the-biggest-research-and-scientific-validations-in-vedic-astrology-by-jothishi-com-120120300523_1.html
Types of Vedic Astrologers - Spiritual Gradations of Ayurveda Vaidya - Every Hindu Should Know.
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